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Jessica Cruz
Jessica Cruz

How to Use nSoftware IPWorks MQ 2020 v20.0.7243 for Delphi to Implement Messaging Protocols

How to Use nSoftware IPWorks MQ 2020 v20.0.7243 for Delphi to Implement Messaging Protocols

If you are looking for a way to easily implement popular messaging protocols in your Delphi applications, you might want to check out nSoftware IPWorks MQ 2020 v20.0.7243 for Delphi. This is a lightweight component library that supports various protocols and services, such as Azure Relay, AMQP, MQTT, STOMP and more.

nSoftware IPWorks MQ 2020 v20.0.7243 for Delphi

In this article, we will show you how to use nSoftware IPWorks MQ 2020 v20.0.7243 for Delphi to communicate with an MQTT broker and publish and subscribe to topics.

What is MQTT?

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a publish/subscribe messaging protocol that works on top of TCP/IP. It is designed for low-bandwidth, high-latency, unreliable networks, such as the Internet of Things (IoT). MQTT allows devices to exchange messages with each other through a central broker, which routes the messages based on topics.

MQTT has three quality of service (QoS) levels: 0 (at most once), 1 (at least once), and 2 (exactly once). QoS determines how the broker and the clients handle message delivery and acknowledgment. MQTT also supports session persistence, which means that the broker can store the session state of a client and resume it when the client reconnects.

How to Install nSoftware IPWorks MQ 2020 v20.0.7243 for Delphi

To install nSoftware IPWorks MQ 2020 v20.0.7243 for Delphi, you need to download the full package from here. You will need to provide your email address and product key to start the download.

After downloading the package, run the installer and follow the instructions. You will be able to choose which components you want to install. For this example, we will only need the MQTT component.

Once the installation is complete, you can find the component in the nSoftware IPWorks MQ tab of the component palette in Delphi.

How to Use nSoftware IPWorks MQ 2020 v20.0.7243 for Delphi to Connect to an MQTT Broker

To use nSoftware IPWorks MQ 2020 v20.0.7243 for Delphi to connect to an MQTT broker, you need to create a new VCL Forms Application project in Delphi and drop an TnsoftwareMQTT component on the form.

Then, you need to configure some properties of the component, such as:

  • Server: The hostname or IP address of the MQTT broker.

  • Port: The port number of the MQTT broker (default is 1883).

  • ClientId: A unique identifier for your client.

  • Username and Password: The credentials for authenticating with the MQTT broker (optional).

  • CleanSession: Whether to start a new session or resume an existing one (default is True).

  • KeepAliveInterval: The interval in seconds for sending ping messages to keep the connection alive (default is 60).

  • QoSLevel: The default QoS level for publishing and subscribing messages (default is 0).

You can also set some event handlers for the component, such as:

  • OnConnected: Fired when the connection is established.

  • OnDisconnected: Fired when the connection is closed.

  • OnMessageArrived: Fired when a message arrives from a subscribed topic.

  • OnError: Fired when an error occurs.

To connect to the MQTT broker, you simply need to call the Connect method of the component.

How to Use nSoftware IPWorks MQ 0efd9a6b88


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