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Grupo de Análise de Mercado

Público·47 membros
George Ivanov
George Ivanov

Subtitle Harry.Potter.and.the.Deathly.Hallows.P...

In this screenshot from, a portion of the subtitle files available for Country Strong are shown. Of the fourteen files available in English, three are marked with an ear icon, which indicates that these files are presumably closed captioned.

subtitle Harry.Potter.and.the.Deathly.Hallows.P...

In this screenshot from, a portion of the subtitle files available for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 are shown. Six files are marked with an ear icon, which indicates that these files are presumably closed captioned.

TRAVIS PRINZI'S HARRY POTTER & IMAGINATION WILL BE OF INTEREST to Mythlore readers for his insightful discussion of how J.K. Rowling fits into the mythopoeic tradition of George MacDonald, G.K. Chesterton, J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Madeleine L'Engle and for his analysis of myth and Faerie in the Harry Potter series as vehicles for understanding and transforming our own primary world. As his subtitle, "The Way Between Two Words," suggests, Prinzi is concerned with how the Harry Potter books as fairy stories (in Tolkien's sense from "On Fairy-stories") belong to that "Pot of Soup" or "Cauldron of Story" of mythic narratives, and thereby allow Rowling to reflect upon truth, faith, and heroism and to comment upon racial, gender, and political injustice in the Western World of the early twenty-first century. Prinzi synthesizes much of the Harry Potter criticism published to date, focusing particularly on how the publication of books 5-7 of the series have recast many of the issues explored in earlier studies published before The Order of the Phoenix. Although the book at times resembles the somewhat informal musings Prinzi writes on his blog "The Hog's Head" more than an academic treatise, it nonetheless will help frame some of the debate surrounding Rowling's place in the canon of mythopoeic literature, and will hopefully pave the way for future serious studies on the bestselling series....

The subtitle is "A Slow Food Manifesto", and Waters delivers a rallying cry against what she terms "fast food culture". She contends that the proliferation of fast food in the United States and around the world, whether casual or a symptom, is intimately tied to our adoption of morally shallow values, a stressed and shorter life, and a general malaise about our conditions here. In seven chapters she lays out what she sees as the "values" of fast food culture, and the myriad ways in which those values manifest themselves in our daily lives. For example, a value of fast food culture is speed: food should be obtained quickly and eaten quickly. She says that this value begins to permeate the rest of our lives; we expect our deliveries to be next day, we expect to learn a foreign language in a week, we stop reading books because it takes too long, we are concerned when friends don't text back instantaneously. Waters outlines these values and their consequences deliberately, all through the lens of being better people, which is to say not politically.

The subtitle to this book is "The seductive lure of authoritarianism", and Applebaum sets out to explore why Western democracies seem to be going through an "authoritarianism" phase. She sets out to answer this question through an anecdotal exploration of her own friendships with prominent and powerful people who have given up their democratic bona fides in favor of an authoritarian outlook on the world. 041b061a72


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